Hugh Howey is a master of suspense and as a result I found this book hard to read — it’s clear things are off the rails and characters I care about are going to get harmed (another Howey trademark it seems), but you just have to keep on marching through. As a result I found…
Tag: post_apocalypse
This is the second book in the Silo series, following on the Wool, which I recently read. I think to a certain extend this book is better than the first one — I certainly found it compelling. An excellent read that explains how the universe described in Wool came to be, but yet also sets…
Chet bought me this book and demanded I read it, and honestly that was a good call. The book reminds me a bit of Oryx and Crake, but perhaps that’s unfair given I read that one eight years ago and have probably forgotten some important details. The book is well paced and engaging. Despite being…
The Calculating Stars
Winner of both a Hugo, Locus and a Nebula, this book is about a mathematical prodigy battling her way into a career as an astronaut in a post-apolocalyptic 1950s America. Along the way she has to take on the embedded sexism of America in the 50s, as well as her own mild racism. Worse, she…
This is the third book in the Marsbound series. The Others have just turned off all electronics on Earth, and now we need to survive. One problem with this book is that it jumps straight into the action — I had to go back and re-read Marsbound and Starbound in order to understand what was…
This is the final book in the Hunger Games trilogy. To be honest I don’t think it is as the previous two books. This is mostly because while the plot is quiet believable, Katniss simply comes across as whiney for most of the book. The plot is believable so it doesn’t feel insincere, its just…
Catching Fire
This is the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy after the first book of the same name. This book is very similar to the first in terms of style, although I think the start is a lot slower. Once you plow through the first 150 pages or so the book rapidly improves though, and…
The Hunger Games
I picked this up in the US really cheap because I had run out of books to read on this trip. This book is pretty heavily hyped at the moment, but that’s also why I got the book for $6 at a book store, so I can’t complain. The book is an easy read, and…
East of the Sun, West of the Moon
This book didn’t review well, but I thought it was ok. Its not the best book in the Council Wars series, but it is readable and has an interesting story. It doesn’t wrap up the story line completely though, so I guess I’ll have to wait for the next one to be written. [isbn: 1416555188;9781416555186]
Against the Tide
This is the third book in the Council Wars series. This book covers the long promised invasion by New Destiny forces, as well as Megan’s continued life in the harem. This book has a theme of incompetence in command, which is quite similar to some of Ringo’s other books, such as A Hymn Before Battle…