I’m sitting in a park in Mountain View at the moment, and the Mountain View Google WiFi works just fine. That’s totally cool. It makes me think about all those random crazy projects I can now implement where a computer in my car needs an internet connection to work right. Hmmmmmm… I guess that’s another…
Tag: mountain
Dirty wheel rims
It turns out that it basically doesn’t rain in California in the summer (or so I am assured by the people at work), so now that the weather is nice again I have been riding to work at lot more. I am suffering from a problem I hadn’t considered though, mainly because I normally only…
Random linkage
Yucca Mountain is part of the 87% of Nevada which is federal property. It’s also where the US intends to store it’s nuclear waste, instead of in dry cask storage. Before it starts glowing in the dark, I should consider going on the tour.