This is the final continuation of the Belgariad and the Malloreon series, following on from the Belgarath the Sorcerer continuation. The two continuation books are really just the same stories told from other perspectives, yet Belgarath the Sorcerer managed to be a really interesting read. It probably helped that Belgarath’s story predates the Belgariad by…
Tag: David_Eddings
Belgarath the Sorcerer
This book is a follow on from The Belgariad and The Malloreon written from the perspective of one of the protagonists in those two series — Belgarath the Sorcerer. This book has quite a different style from the others. It is written in the first person as Belgarath’s personal memoir. The book is really long…
The Malloreon
This is the followup series to the Belgariad. Its mostly a sequel series, but is quite readable and worth the effort. 1988: Guardians of the West 1989: King of the Murgos 1989: Demon Lord of Karanda 1990: Sorceress of Darshiva 1992: Seeress of Kell
The Seeress of Kell
The conclusion to the Malloreon. Quite a good read, although the plot twists are predictable. [isbn: 0345377591]
Sorceress of Darshiva
This is book four of the Malloreon. It feels like not much happens in this book, although there is plot development happening. I guess it more feels like this book is a connector between the book before and the book after, and not much more. On the other hand, it was an engaging read. [isbn:…
Demon Lord of Karanda
I needed something to cheer me up after the previous sucky book. This one did the trick. Again its pretty standard Fantasy stuff, and there were no surprises, but its fun to read. [isbn: 0345363310]
King of the Murgos
This is book two of the Malloreon, the sequel series to the Belgariad. Some people complain that this series is just a repeat of the previous series with some of the names changed, and I certainly used to think that myself. Now that I’ve read this book again I think that’s unfair — the story…
Guardians of the West
I read this book as a child, and must admit I didn’t like it. That’s interesting to me, because it quite liked it this time. Its not the greatest literature ever written, but it is a good read. You need to have read the Belgariad first though, because this book (the first of the Mallorean)…
The Belgariad
The Belgariad is a fantasy series by David Eddings. There are five books in the series, although there is also a follow series called the Mallorean, as well as three tie in books. The series follows a small farm boy as he grows up, discovering along the way that his relatives are famous, he’s important…
Enchanters End Game
This is the final book in the Belgariad. Its a good one, although knowing there is another series involving these characters makes it feel a little less final to me. I enjoyed it though. [isbn: 0345338715]