Its been one week of specifications for Nova in Kilo. What are we seeing proposed so far? Here’s a summary… API Add instance administrative lock status to the instance detail results: review 127139. Add more detailed network information to the metadata server: review 85673. Add separated policy rule for each v2.1 api: review 127863. Add…
Tag: blueprints
Compute Kilo specs are open
From my email last week on the topic: I am pleased to announce that the specs process for nova in kilo is now open. There are some tweaks to the previous process, so please read this entire email before uploading your spec! Blueprints approved in Juno =========================== For specs approved in Juno, there is a…
Blueprints implemented in Nova during Juno
As we get closer to releasing the RC1 of Nova for Juno, I’ve started collecting a list of all the blueprints we implemented in Juno. This was mostly done because it helps me write the release notes, but I am posting it here because I am sure that others will find it handy too. Process…