This one has been on my list for a little while — a nice 10km loop around the bottom of Urambi Hill. I did it as an out and back, although there is a loop option if you cross the bridge that was my turn around point. For the loop option cross the bridge, run…
Tag: canberra
Trigs map
A while ago I had a map of all the trig points in the ACT and links to the posts I’d written during my visits. That had atrophied over time. I’ve just spent some time fixing it up again, and its now at — I hope its useful to someone else.
Trail run: Tuggeranong Stone Wall loop
The Tuggeranong Stone wall is a 140 year old boundary between to former stations. Its also a nice downhill start to a trail run. This loop involves starting at the Hyperdome, following the wall down, and the continuing along to Pine Island before returning. Partially shaded, and with facilities at the Hyperdome and Pine Island….
Trail run: Lake Tuggeranong to Kambah Pool (return)
This wasn’t the run I’d planned for this day, but here we are. This runs along the Centenary Trail between Kambah Pool and Lake Tuggeranong. Partially shaded, but also on the quite side of the ridge line where you can’t tell that you’re near the city. Don’t take the tempting river ford, there is a…
Trail run: Barnes and ridgeline
A first attempt at running to Barnes and Brett trigs, this didn’t work out quite as well as I’d expected (I ran out of time before I’d hit Brett trig). The area wasn’t as steep as I’d expected, being mostly rolling grazing land with fire trails. Lots of gates and now facilities, but stunning views…
Trail run: Pine Island South to Point Hut with a Hill
This one is probably a little bit less useful to others, as the loop includes a bit more of the suburb than is normal. That said, you could turn this into a suburb avoiding loop quite easily. A nice 11.88km run with a hill climb at the end. A total ascent of 119 metres. There…
Trail running guide: Tuggeranong
I’ve been running on trails more recently (I’m super bored with roads and bike paths), but running on trails makes load management harder — often I’m looking for a run of approximately XX length with no more than YY vertical ascent. So I was thinking, maybe I should just write the runs that I do…
Trail run: Cooleman Ridge
This run includes Cooleman and Arawang trig points. Not a lot of shade, but a pleasant run. 9.86km and 264m of vertical ascent.
Ok, so now that I’ve rediscovered walking to trigs while pursuing my hobby of trying to kill Mr Carden, I am enthused to do some more urban walking. The only urban trig I haven’t been to is YA-90 on Isaacs Ridge. There are also three geocaches along the way I’d like to collect to. I…
A year of being more active
A little over a year ago I helped host a panel session at the Paris OpenStack summit. The panel was three telco people talking about NFV, but that’s not the bit I really remember. The bit that really stuck with me was how fat I looked in photos from the event. I weighed just over…