I was getting quite confused about
which robot short stories I had already read (many appear in more than
one collection), so I built this table to help. Note that ecrosses
indicate stories which aren’t about robots, and are really stow aways.
Robot 1950 |
Complete Robot 1982 |
Dreams 1986 |
Visions 1990 |
Nightfall 1971 |
Robbie |
Runaround |
Reason |
Catch That Rabbit |
Liar! |
Little Lost Robot |
Escape! |
Evidence |
The Evitable Conflict |
Robot AL-76 Goes Astray |
Victory Unintentional |
First Law |
Let’s Get Together |
Satisfaction Guaranteed |
Risk |
Lenny |
Galley Slave |
A Boy’s Best Friend |
Sally |
Someday |
Point of View |
Think! |
True Love |
Stranger in Paradise |
Light Verse |
Segregationist |
Mirror Image |
The Tercentenary Incident |
Feminine Intuition |
… That Thou Art Mindful of Him |
The Bicentennial Man |