If I had to guess what would be a controversial topic from the mid-cycle meetup, it would have to be this slots proposal. I was actually in a Technical Committee meeting when this proposal was first made, but I’m told there were plenty of people in the room keen to give this idea a try….
Tag: review
Review priorities as we approach juno-3
I just send this email out to openstack-dev, but I am posting it here in case it makes it more discoverable to people drowning in email: To: openstack-dev Subject: [nova] Review priorities as we approach juno-3 Hi. We’re rapidly approaching j-3, so I want to remind people of the current reviews that are high priority….
Juno nova mid-cycle meetup summary: social issues
Summarizing three days of the Nova Juno mid-cycle meetup is a pretty hard thing to do – I’m going to give it a go, but just in case I miss things, there is an etherpad with notes from the meetup at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/juno-nova-mid-cycle-meetup. I’m also going to do it in the form of a series of…
Slow git review uploads?
jeblair was kind enough to help me debug my problem with slow “git review” uploads for Openstack projects just now. It turns out that part of my standard configuration for ssh is to enable ControlMaster and ControlPersist. I mostly do this because the machines I use at Canonical are a very long way away from…
The Wild Palms Hotel
When leaving the US, I stayed in the Wild Palms Hotel. I selected it for three reasons: I’d stayed there before; it is part of the Joie De Vivre chain which I have had good experiences with before; and it was very cheap on Expedia ($77 compared to an average rate in the area of…
More reviews
I just got back from a lovely four days in Tasmania, and am just now catching up with the resulting email backlog. There are some new alerts about reviews of the MythTV book in there which are worth pointing out: I’m surprised and disappointed that the installation of MythTV through pre-built packages or a CD…
“If you’re interested in setting up a PVR, then this is definitely a book to check out. Apress sells the paper version for $30, and offers an eBook for $15. Amazon offers it for $19.79, but I doubt that price will last long. I definitely give this book a 5 out of 5…” http://www.yeraze.com/article.php/20070603160650701
Book reviews
I’m always a little hesitant when I see reviews of the book. It’s irrational, but I guess it’s a little bit like being worried that people are going to tell you that your kid isn’t the smartest in the class, or is ugly. That’s why I sat on the review from Linux Format May 2006…
Status of the book
The book has been written for a while, along with the technical editing and review. The copy edits have been done since last week. There are only two chapters left for page layout. The process has been interesting, educational, and in some parts long. The hardest part though? Ironically, it’s filling in the marketing questionnaire….
Working on review comments for Chapters 2, 3 and 4 tonight
Michael Carden asks in a comment to my previous post to the book if I had considered making draft chapters available for public comment before printing. To be completely honest it hadn’t occurred to me until Michael suggested it, and it does fit well with all the open source stuff I have done over the…