I think it was Hugh who recommended this book. I’m greatful as it was an excellent read and definitely didn’t make me duck over to eBay to buy an Intel 4004 chip set to play with. The book uses the backdrop of our current struggles to retain supremacy in high tech manufacturing versus an ambitious…
Tag: history
Cult of the Dead Cow
A very readable history of the early US hacking scene, including the roots of Def Con and Blackhat security conferences. The book is filled with a cast of characters many of whose names and exploits I recognize — although I’ve only met one or two in person. The book is definitely US-centric in it’s coverage…
The Bad Popes
This book focuses on bad popes from the middle ages, and there were some hilariously bad popes in that period. The story is interesting and engaging, even if the commentary is a bit dry in places. However, given this is a factual well references history book, it is surprisingly readable. I enjoyed it. [isbn: 0750933372]
Nuclear accidents
Civilian nuclear accidents, and military accidents are covered well on Wikipedia I see.
This morning I was pondering the origins of the goose step march
And then Slate clarified the history of this ridiculous piece of militaria. [icbm: dcs]