


       #include <panda.h>

       void setcharacterspacing(pdf *, double spacing);


       The function setcharacterspacing sets the space to be used
       between characters in text boxes. The default value is  0,
       which  is  no extra space. The value that is set with this
       call is sticky and will  therefore  apply  to  all  subse-
       quently  created text boxes until the value of the charac-
       ter spacing is changed to something else.


       Simply use:
              #include <panda.h>

              pdf *document;

              document = openpdf("filename", "w");
              setcharacterspacing(document, 42);


       Panda   is   under   development    by    Michael    Still
       (mikal@stillhq.com).  All  code is Copyright Michael Still
       2000, and is released under the GPL. Code submissions  are
       welcomed. Contact Michael at the address above if you have
       something you would like to contribute.


       There are no known bugs in Panda. If you find one,  please
       contact mikal@stillhq.com and let me know.


       This information relates to version 0.2 of Panda

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